The Perforated House
Architect: Kavellaris Urban Design
"We wanted the house to be more than just a facade. More than just a message or a graphic stuck to a building. Our building was not an urban canvas paying tribute to Venturi’s “decorated shed”, instead the external facade could be experienced internally and is also a multi functional device that constantly transforms the built form from solid to void, from private to public, from opaque to translucent. By day the building is heavy and reflective and by night inverting into a soft translucent permeable light box. The operable wall or the absence of the facade enabled us to remove the idea that houses are static.
The use of operable walls, doors, curtains and glass walls enables the occupants to change the experience and environment. This architectural manipulation of space blurred the boundaries between inside and outside, the public and private realm. The manipulated spaces overlapped and borrowed the amenity and context of it’s surrounding environment."
- exerted from website .
-- Wow...
I found this house on the website Contemporist, along with some other beautiful homes. Check them out below.
Villa G
Architect: Saunders Architecture
Look at more the house here
The Compass Pointe House
Architect: Sean Anderson of Progressive Concept Design
Look at more of the house here
Source: Contemporist
wow... so 2009!
This house just made me cum on myself ;-)
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